Editor: A. Méndez-Vilas, J. Díaz

This series is committed to giving an overview of the state of the art as well as upcoming trends, and to promoting discussion about scientific, technological and educational aspects of Microscopy, in both the biological/biomedical and physical/chemical sciences. It is composed of full papers written by active researchers in microscopy and/or microscopy applications, using original research materials, but presented in a generalist way. It is the main goal of this approach to take full pedagogical advantage of many research materials that researchers manage around the world. Priority will be given to those which clearly emphasize the role of microscopy in the achieved scientific/ technological/ pedagogical results, as well as those making comparative discussions or showing the complementarity of microscopy techniques with other techniques.

Educationally-oriented research papers and mini-review papers are especially welcome (for example, introductory chapters on a certain microscopy technique or a certain application, using research data/results), although more “regular” research papers might also be suitable if the addressed topic is clearly exposed for non-specialists. Mini-reviews can be thematic in nature, or focused on the activity of a specific research group. In this latter case, the work should provide an integrated view of the research carried out by that group across the years. The driving force(s) behind the evolution of a concrete research group (seen as the reinforcement of some research approaches, refusal of others) can be of interest for both experts and new arrivals in the field, being this information less accessible from the fragmented publications in traditional journals. Commented collections of images are welcome too.

Highly read papers from this series

Atomic Force Microscopy of Printed Protein
D. Pisignano, A. Biasco, N. Sgarbi, P. Pompa, F. Di Benedetto, B. Krebs, G. Gigli, R. Cingolani, and R. Rinaldi
# 2, pp. 18-24.

Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigations of Elementary Surface Processes
F. Rosei
# 1, pp. 24-33.

Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy: Basic Principles, Advantages and Risks
S.J. Mulligan and B.A. MacVicar
# 3, pp. 881-889.

An introduction to low dose electron tomography- from specimen preparation to data collection
G. Rh. Owen and D.L.Stokes
# 3, pp. 939-950.

Atomic Force Microscopy as a tool for unravelling the relationship between morphology and growth dynamics of organic semiconductors
M. Campione, M. Moret, and A. Sassella
# 3, pp. 520-527.

Fluorescence and Scanning Electron Microscopy of Chitosan/DNA Nanoparticles for Biological Applications
A. Masotti, F. Marino, G. Ortaggi, and C. Palocci
# 3, pp. 690-696.

Virtual Microscopy in Medical Images: a Survey
E. Romero, F. Gómez, and M. Iregui
# 3, pp. 996-1006.

Microscopy studies on uncultivated magnetotactic bacteria
T. S. Silveira, J. L. Martins, K. T. Silva, F. Abreu, and U. Lins
# 3, pp. 111-121.

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